Examine Biblical Truths

Demonic Thrones have spiritual authority over major divisions of the world. Think of satan as a four-star general, although defeated and humiliated at the Cross of Calvary by his Creator Jesus Christ, and the thrones as three-star guys. Three types of demonic spirits work closely with, and under the thrones, as follows:

  1. Principalities (over nations)
  2. Fortresses (over people groups)
  3. Dominions (over displaced people)

There are more demonic Principalities than angelic Principalities. Hence, one angelic Principality covers several nations within a continent, whereas each demonic Principality covers an individual nation within a continent. The entire natural world we call earth is organized according to Principalities, which correspond to earthly governments. God Himself, our LORD Jesus Christ, allows the battles (wars) in the physical realm to correspond to the battles going on in the spiritual realm. Since the beginning of mankind, the concept of world divisions has fluctuated, as follows:

  • At one time, there were two world divisions: 1) the Garden of Eden and 2) the area East of Eden;
  • After the fall, sin entered the earth and time went on, and there were three world divisions [the families]: 1) the Ham area, 2) the Shem area, and 3) the Japheth area;
  • Early in the twentieth century, there were two world divisions again: 1) East and 2) West;
  • Today, there are four spiritual World Order | Faces of Tribulation divisions all spiraling forward towards the coming seven years of Tribulation.

East World Order

 of the Coming Tribulation – Middle East Arabic states, Russia, Eastern Europe- former Soviet states (although they are becoming westernized), the old Ottoman Empire states: Turkey, Armenia, Afghanistan. All the nations contained within this worldly division are individually under one demonic Throne continent-wide then a demonic Principality per nation then under demonic Fortresses per people groups and finally demonic Dominions over displaced people (within each nation). For example, Syria under a demonic Throne, as is the Middle East, is spiritually pressured to reverse destroy Israel and thus continue to be cursed. The demonic Principality over Syria is working to destroy its economy, government, military, and remaining moral fabric through the on-going civil war, a demonic Fortress is working to alienate population segments against one another (Shi’a against Sunni), and a demonic Dominion is working to agitate displaced peoples (Kurds) within Syria’s borders ~

West World Order

 of the Coming Tribulation – Western Europe, North America, Japan, South Africa, and secular Israel. All the nations contained within this worldly division are individually under one demonic Throne continent-wide then a demonic Principality per nation then under demonic Fortresses per people groups and finally demonic Dominions over displaced people (within each nation). This is heavy stuff! For example, the United States of America (USA) under a demonic Throne, as are all nations in the West division, is being spiritually pressured to reverse its support of Israel and thus become cursed. The demonic Principality over the USA is working to destroy its economy, government, military, and remaining God-honoring moral fabric, a demonic Fortress is working to alienate population segments against one another (unbelievers against believers), and a demonic Dominion is working to agitate displaced peoples (Cubans, Haitians, Mexicans) within the USA’s borders ~

Third World Order

 of the Coming Tribulation– China, Northern Africa, South America (although urban areas in Brazil, Venezuela and Argentina are westernized), Mexico and Central America, Southeast Asia. All the nations contained within this worldly division are individually under one demonic Throne continent-wide then a demonic Principality per nation then under demonic Fortresses per people groups and finally demonic Dominions over displaced people (within each nation). China under a demonic Throne, as is the Third World, is spiritually pressured to betray and destroy Israel and be cursed. The demonic Principality over China has a firm stronghold over the economy, government, and military, a demonic Fortress works against sixty million believers: the Religious Affairs Bureau makes sure churches follow rules — no members under 18, no evangelism, no mentioning the Second Coming!!! No questioning of Communist Party rule, believers who worship in unregistered “house churches” face arrest ~

Fourth World Order

 of the Coming Tribulation (developing nations) – Ethiopia/Eritrea, Sub-Saharan Africa, parts of Asia- Mongolia, Nepal, Tibet. All the nations contained within this worldly division are individually under one demonic Throne continent-wide then a demonic Principality per nation then under demonic Fortresses per people groups and finally demonic Dominions over displaced people (within each nation). More, heavy stuff! For example, Sudan is under a demonic Throne, as are all nations in the Fourth World division, and is being spiritually pressured to destroy Israel and thus continues to be cursed. The demonic Principality over Sudan has a firm stronghold over the economy, government, and military since the on-going continent-wide Islamic Revolution, a demonic Fortress is working to alienate population segments against one another (unbelieving Muslims against believers: destruction of churches is common), and a demonic Dominion is working to agitate displaced peoples (Arabs) within Sudan’s borders ~

If you have any questions about Biblical prophecies pertaining to the fast approaching seven-year Tribulation; or, to the content of this World Order | of the Coming Tribulation webpage, please seek a Bible-based non-denominational church for Holy Spirit discernment, guidance and wisdom. Our website renders to Jesus Christ His due for atoning for our sins. Every rational human being should be subject to the perfect will of Abba YHWH.  It is only when such will is exercised that our lives are pleasing to our Holy Creator Most High in heaven We pray that you will be comforted with Biblical prophetic truths.                    Have faith, Jesus Christ is sovereign!

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