Baruch Hashem Adonai (blessed be the name of our LORD) Who desires for everyone Pre-tribulation Salvation.

DANIEL, the interpreter . . .

Daniel’s life in Babylon after being taken captive is such a powerful warning and witness to a society under the demonic currents of pluralism, relativism and secularism as exists today in contemporary people groups, nations and societies. It “is a clarion call to our generation to be courageous; not to lose our nerve and allow the expression of our faith [in Christ] to be diluted and squeezed out of the public space and thus rendered spineless and ineffective” (“Against the Flow: The Inspiration of Daniel in an Age of Relativism” John C. Lennox).

YHWH’s Bible reveals prophecies of the coming Tribulation. This is a season in every human beings life on earth to seek truth . . . Bible truth before the Gathering of the Bride of Christ. It is prophesied in this Age that Jesus Christ returns to rapture His followers. Seven of the worst years man can know will follow this event. Seek Christ now and receive the Father’s amazing gift of grace through His Son’s finished work on the Cross of Calvary: Pre-Tribulation Salvation!

Through a series of bold visions of future events (in heaven, the saints on earth, the seventy weeks allotted to Israel, and a sweeping overview of the rise and fall of earthly kingdoms throughout world history), the Triune God of the Bible blessed Daniel mightily with the ability to record with insight the events of the coming seven-years of Tribulation and share with us, centuries later, their prophetic meanings. Through Daniel, Abba YHWH faithfully assures us, instructs us, and touches us with intercession and instruction to be prepared to identify the emerging faces and the movements of Tribulation. May this website complement the Book of Daniel in God’s Bible through our humble efforts to convey to lost souls the Good News: Pre-Tribulation Salvation; and, assist lost souls in transferring out of Babylon into the Triune God’s heavenly Kingdom, “[I], Daniel, had a dream, and visions passed through [my] mind as [I] was lying on [my] bed . . .” Daniel 7:1 ~




Seventy ‘weeks’ or ‘seven-year periods’, as they are generally known lay out future history representing a time-line of set time-periods for historical events to happen on earth. This heavenly clock started ticking when Old Testament Israel was exile in Babylon ended and the command was given to rebuild Jerusalem (Ezra 1, Nehemiah 2:7,8). The timing specifically lasts to the end of the present post-modern age. Daniel’s chapter nine prophecy spans the entirety of ELOHIM’s redemptive history. The 1st period (49 years) encompassed the rebuilding of Jerusalem. The 2nd period (483 years) compromised history upton Yeshua’s earthly apppearance and His sacrificial death on the Cross of Calvary (Daniel 9:25,26). Earth’s history is presently in an unspecified length of time leading upto the 3rd final period which commences with the confirmation of a false ‘peace covenant with many’ for seven years (Tribulation).

In the middle of this last period, at the three-and-a-half years mark, the spiritually rebellious ‘prince who is to come’ (antichrist) will bring an end to Jewish sacrifices in the rebuilt Temple and set up the prophesied ‘abomination of desolation.’ YHWH’s Holy Spirit revealed through Daniel that then the consummation will come with the return of Yeshua destroying the ‘desolation’ and thereby bringing about the end of the seven years of the worst catastrophes earth will ever experience as YHWH’s wrath is poured out on those who are spiritually rebellious and unrepentant.